Sunday, May 15, 2011

Muzik, Muzik, Muzik

My musical tastes run as wide as the Mississippi in spring: classical, pop, bluegrass, heavy metal, jazz, rock, you name it, but I can't listen to music while I write. I drift into the sound, I cascade through the melodies, and lose focus on my words. I know I've written blogs on this subject before, but lately I've run across some great new music and joined a site called Jango, where big fun is to be had for the musically entwined.

Today's question: When you sing in the car, do you care that other drivers are watching?

Munk's Opening line (meant for a middle grade boy book)... 
No matter how you spin it, you can't win a fight with a girl.
Munk's "Opening Line" is yours to keep, use it. Munk

For today's music I present the jangly-spangle of Surf Nada, Their version of Bill Fox's Electrocution offers a wall of sound that would make this guy proud... 

Not that making this guy proud should be on the top of your to-do list, but extra points to the first person who can name him. I'll post Munk kisses on the blog of the first correct contestant.

And with no further ado... the buzz of Surf Nada, enjoy.

Thanks Tim.


Luanne G. Smith said...

That is Phil "crazyass" Spector.

And bonus point to you for connecting the "I just stuck my finger in a light socket" picture of Phil and a song about Electrocution.

Munk said...

@LG--Yes! Smooches to you, Phil "wall of crazyass sound" Spector.

Dawnelle said...

I love to sing in the car and don't mind if other drivers see me, but my husband and kids don't much care for it! :)

K.C. Woolf said...

I've never seen the Mississippi in spring, but if it's really wide, then I'll compare my musical tastes to it as well. If it's really deep too, that's where the comparison ends.

Usually I don't have music on when I'm writing, except when I need it to remind me of a particular mood or emotional state for a scene.

Glad to have found your blog! :-)

Lydia Kang said...

These days, everyone just talks on speakerphone or Bluetooth so you can't distinguish between the ones on the phone and the ones belting out Celine Dion on the freeway.

(That's not me, btw. I swear.)

Jayne said...

Hey Munk - came here by way of Tim...
Ha! Love that photo of Spector! And loving the music--takes me right back to, hmm, the Yardbirds? Very cool.
Will be back for more... :)

Munk said...

@D--I meant when you were alone my love. And we only mind when you are using your chipmunk voice.
@KC--The Mississippi is wide, deep AND muddy, nice to have you.
@LK--Celine Dion... really.
@J--Thanks, I stopped by your blog today as well, good stuff.

triles said...

I've seen that picture of Spector before, and it never ceases to amaze and confound.

If I'm moved to sing in the car, all bets are off. I especially like to embarrass my girls with over the top renditions at stop lights.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I want hair like that.

And how did you know I sang in the car? How must have seen me.

Munk said...

@TR--If you really want to embarrass the girls, get yerself a wig like Phil's... on second thought, you might cause accidents (car accidents, that is).
@MO--we've all done it haven't we? Back when radio was king we used to find someone singing and then spin the dial of our car radio to see which station they were singing to. You can tell a lot about a person.

Lydia Kang said...

I said that wasn't me! I don't belt out Celine, it was just the first person that popped into my...
oh whatever.

I should have said Smashing Pumpkins.
Darn it.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

I, also, play music when I write. I played the Moonlight Sonata when writing my latest post for my own blog.

Love your book trailer. Come check out my two if you have the time. You have a fun blog. Thanks. I'm glad I found your blog, Roland

Anonymous said...

That is some crazy hair! I could never get hair like that even if I got an extreme perm. Though the chemicals of an extreme perm may take care of this cold I've got!

DEZMOND said...

is it possible that that guy stole my hair leaving poor little me hairless and bald? :)

I remember Nada Surf having a POPULAR single last decade here in Europe. They've gone missing after that.